Women in Business – Credit Yourself

Megaphone, Women, Shouting.

I’m currently reading “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead.” by Sheryl Sandberg’s Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. She provoked a lot of conversation on feminism in the workplace with her book. The book sold nearly 150,000 copies in its first week and has held the top non-fiction spot on the bestseller lists since.…

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Happiness Equals Rewards

Smile man

How happy are you? Recently, I started thinking through this question, and how happiness or the lack there of can affect people in everyday life. I’ve always tried to live by the philosophy that you are the master of your own destiny, if you are not happy, you have the power to change it. Do…

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Amazing Christmas Marketing Campaign

In my book, The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense, I discuss how powerful it is to connect emotionally with your customers. Watch the video that follows, it shows a promotion by Westjet, which is one of the most surprising, genuine and ingenious campaigns I’ve seen in a long time. You…

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