Six crucial ways to define and own your leadership power in 2022

6 Ways to define and own your leadership power in 2022
We’ve been through a difficult couple of years, and we don’t know what 2022 will bring. One of the best ways to stay grounded and positive in turbulent times is to know you have some sort of power you can call on when you need to.
I began thinking about leadership power and what it means. Not everyone can be a Prime Minister or billionaire so there must be something more to the definition of power. How do we know we have leadership power? How do we find our own leadership power?
What is power?
Many of us associate power with control and domination, but I think that’s the wrong way to see it. To me that’s more about bullying than exercising power. Leadership power is influence. It’s empathy. It’s understanding and caring about the people around you. It’s valuing yourself and defending your rights. It’s sharing your personal and professional strengths. It’s in knowing yourself and being comfortable with who you are.
How can you find your power?
Even today, many of us are expected to conform with stereotypical roles: the mother, the executive, the junior. That reduces who you are to a checklist of abilities. It takes away your personal power. To find your leadership power, you need to be self-aware and know yourself well.
- What is the source of your power?
What energises you? What are you passionate about?
- What do you want?
What do you want from life and work? Don’t think about the expectations of others or how your wants might affect them. Get to the heart of your heart and be brave enough to acknowledge what you really want. Freedom, promotion, travel… Name it and accept it.
- What is your personal value?
We all have strengths even if we’re not aware of them. When was the last time you stopped to think about what you’re good at? What unique skills and experience do you have? What value can you bring to the table? Don’t overlook a strength in the soft skills. We know they are essential to every relationship and vital when it comes to influencing and leading others. Define your personal brand so you can call on your strengths and share them.
- Empower your power.
Sounds strange, I know, but women have a talent for giving away their power. How often have you left something unsaid? How often have you let something important to you go by because it suited someone else? Every time you step back from saying what you think or expressing your needs, you disempower yourself. I can tell you this: when you speak up, even if you don’t get what you want, you feel more powerful and more confident. Not only do you bolster your leadership power, but you also show others what you stand for, and there’s immense power in that.
- Accept positive feedback.
Forget false modesty. When you’re entitled to praise, take it graciously. You deserve it. Positive feedback strengthens your personal power just like criticism helps you redefine it. You praise others because they earnt it. Now take what is yours.
- Stay open to learning.
I think of power like this. When you put power into a jar and close the lid, it burns itself out. It runs out of fuel and can’t survive. When you set it free, it will absorb energy from education, experiences, relationships, struggles, challenges, successes and much more.
Finding your leadership power isn’t an end point. It’s a beginning. Pay attention to what’s happening around you and learn from it. Share your power and accept the learning.
When did you last feel empowered? What made you feel that way? I’d love to hear about your experience. Please share it in the comments below.
In the meantime, if you’re struggling to find your power, let me help you. When we work together, you’ll start your year from a position of power and discover what you can achieve.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you intensify your impact, influence and income.
1. Grab a Copy of my Latest Book (available in all good bookstores, and on Audible)
Lead Beyond 2030 shares the nine skills you need to intensify your leadership impact. A powerful exploration of what separates great leaders from the rest. - Find Out More
2. FREE - Test Your Leadership Scorecard:
Discover your leadership score and the 9 leadership accelerators to increase your ability to intensify your impact and performance. — Click Here
3. Join our Master Influence Program and be a Case Study
If you're ambitious, this is for you - I’m putting together a new leadership case study group… stay in touch for details. If you’d like to work with me to master the art of influence and unleash your most powerful self…Click Here
The ability to influence is the greatest accelerator of impact and performance, and it intensely affects our career, our income and how we lead people. — Find Out More
4. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work with me privately to take your career, impact and leadership to the next level… send me a message and with the word “Privately”… tell me about yourself and what you'd like to focus on together and achieve, and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here
Caroline Kennedy, author of Lead Beyond 2030: The Nine Skills You Need to Intensify Your Leadership Impact, is an accomplished, award-winning CEO and global thought leader on business and leadership. She is a highly sought-after mentor and coach to top global executives. A respected keynote speaker and author, Caroline’s methods are neuroscience-based to achieve rapid development and growth.