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Get the Best Culture Fit with 4 Powerful Interview Questions

Paper Chain.

Let’s be honest. The most critical element in any business is the culture, and the culture fit of employees. Your business is going to thrive by having amazing employees who buy into your vision. Employees who don’t fit, may become toxic, and poisonous employees can spread negativity fast. The starting point to identify a good culture…

How to be a Successful Leader with Introvert Traits


4 TRUTHS ON HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL LEADER. Imagine a successful leader. I’m presuming a reserved unassuming introvert was not what you imagined. This is because studies have proven that the majority of executives in leadership positions display extroverted personality traits. However, that does not mean that extroverts are better leaders than introverts. Introvert leaders…

Demand Equality, Regardless of Your Gender.

Demand Equality

I was fortunate enough to be a finalist in the Victoria Telstra Business Women’s awards in 2014. I really enjoyed the journey and loved the fact that I had the opportunity to meet so many inspirational women who are very successful in business. I was surprised by the large number of strong women who are…

A Poor Leader – the Fish Rots from the Head Down


In my view, the definition of a great leader is someone who has followers, a tribe of people who respect and admire them. Leaders are those who empower others.  True leaders create more leaders. The most significant trait of a leader is to be a good role model, to lead by example and to be the…

Women in Business – Credit Yourself

Megaphone, Women, Shouting.

I’m currently reading “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead.” by Sheryl Sandberg’s Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. She provoked a lot of conversation on feminism in the workplace with her book. The book sold nearly 150,000 copies in its first week and has held the top non-fiction spot on the bestseller lists since.…

Happiness Equals Rewards

Smile man

How happy are you? Recently, I started thinking through this question, and how happiness or the lack there of can affect people in everyday life. I’ve always tried to live by the philosophy that you are the master of your own destiny, if you are not happy, you have the power to change it. Do…

10 key reasons customers will pay more for a product or service


In my book, The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense I talk a lot about customer buying patterns and the strategies you can implement to avoid customer buying from you purely based price. One of the biggest challenges I believe we all face in business is remaining relevant in a marketplace…

Amazing Christmas Marketing Campaign

In my book, The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense, I discuss how powerful it is to connect emotionally with your customers. Watch the video that follows, it shows a promotion by Westjet, which is one of the most surprising, genuine and ingenious campaigns I’ve seen in a long time. You…

7 Steps to Improve Employee Engagement with Recognition

Employee Engagement

Success in business is all about the people. People make a business successful, not matter what industry you are in; employees are your biggest competitive advantage. The foundation of any successful business is the people, and a focus on ensuring staff feel happy and valued is important. It requires an understanding of the intangibles, most…

Marketing ultimately is about values

In my book, The Power of Wow! Why Thank You Makes Dollars & Sense, I discuss how powerful it is to connect emotionally with your customers. In particular, the chapter I wrote, Memorable moments: defining the customer experience covers the key buying patterns of consumers and how that can impact your business. For instance, our…